Energy Work
Experience innovative techniques like our Bay Area chakra and reiki spa treatment to increase energy and mental clarity, as well as alleviate stress and pain. Join us at Cavallo Point’s Healing Arts Center & Spa to create a sense of balance in your life.
Chakra Energy Balancing

Body Journey

The powerful modalities of deep/intricate massage, sound healing (using voice toning and crystal bowls), and acupressure energy-work are seamlessly blended in this deeply healing experience that simultaneously works on the physical and energetic levels.
2 hours $425
The Body Code

Feel more energy, clarity, and a greater sense of peace within your body and life with this experience that incorporates applied kinesiology and dialoguing with the subconscious mind. Uncover and release energetic imbalances of all kinds—physical, mental, emotional—with this gentle, non-invasive modality.
60 minutes $250

Reiki is a form of energy healing using a light touch on the body, activating the natural healing process, releasing blockages in the conscious and unconscious, reducing stress, promoting relaxation, and balancing the emotional and physical body. The 90-minute session includes massage.
60 minutes $230
90 minutes $330
Meditation Step-by-Step

For Beginning & Experienced Meditators
Learn the basics of meditation. Come into the moment, and learn how to become centered in your strengths and the essence of who you are.
60 minutes $210
Connectedness Meditation

Do you want greater connections to have a bigger impact locally and globally or to feel a deep sense of belonging? Our competitive environment and fast-paced lifestyle can make us feel fragmented and disconnected, without a focus on the bigger picture. This guided meditation brings you into harmony within yourself and others, positioning you to make greater contributions to the whole. When you are connected, you naturally come from a place of power, fullness, and generosity.
60 minutes $210
Stress-less Meditation

Reduce Anxiety, Become Centered
Life can be stressful at times and affects us in multiple ways. Mental stress can make you feel anxious, frazzled, and overwhelmed. When manifested physically, stress can cause tension, chronic pain, and disrupt sleep. This guided meditation teaches you how to take “time out” from the chaos of your busy mind, ease feelings of anxiety, and become centered so that you can focus on what you need to accomplish.
60 minutes $210
Generosity Meditation

Expand Every Aspect of Your Life
Don’t lose a precious opportunity to show gratitude! Discover the power of generosity and how it can bring you into the moment and expand every aspect of your life. It feels good to be generous, help others, and creatively contribute to your work, family, and the world around you. You become more receptive to the main blessings being showered on you, day in and day out. Generosity meditation opens your heart and gives you a direct experience of your deeper nature and the many beautiful qualities within you.
60 minutes $210
Transformative Meditations

Reduce Limiting Mindsets & Emotions
Experience the transforming power of meditation. Focus on a specific issue to become free of limiting mindsets and emotions for greater ease and harmony in any aspect of your life.
60 minutes $210
Relaxing the Mind for Sleep Meditation

Release Stress, Sleep Deeper
A meditation session focused on clearing your mind for a better night of sleep that will help you become centered, release stress, and sleep deeper.
60 minutes $210
Meditation Massage

Release Tension & Stress
Enhance your massage with a guided meditation to facilitate a deeper release of tension and stress. Connect with yourself in profound and fulfilling ways.
60 minutes $220
Hypnotherapy & Guided Imagery
A reliable method to support optimum health, calm the psyche, and reduce constant brain chatter, hypnotherapy creates a quiet space where new perspectives are recognized and developed. Learn to use your tremendous power of imagination and be the architect of your life with a hypnotherapy and guided imagery session at Cavallo Point’s Healing Arts Center & Spa.
Dealing with Addiction Behavior

Modify Your Habits & Mind
Begin the change. Learn basic tools to modify your habits and mind.
90 minutes $295
Overcoming Blocks

Boost Creativity & Motivation
Begin the change. Learn basic tools to modify your habits and mind.
60 minutes $210
Taking Control of Your Weight

Identify Factors & Learn Skills
Identify the underlying factors that contribute to your weight problems and learn skills to help you overcome them.
90 minutes $295
Freedom from Anxiety

Relieve Stress & Anxiety
Gain a fresh perspective and get immediate relief from stress and anxiety.
60 minutes $210
Healing Arts
Embark on a powerful personal journey at Cavallo Point’s Healing Arts Center & Spa, and help create lasting positive changes for physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Shamanic Journeys

Create Lasting Changes for Your Well-Being
Indigenous cultures of the Americas have long known we are connected to all of nature. In the medicine wheel’s sacred and safe space, your shaman engages the forces of nature and the ancestors’ ancient wisdom to create lasting changes for physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
90 minutes (1 person) $335
120 minutes (2 people) $535